What I stand for:

When you support my art you are supporting me. I want to be clear that I strongly hold the belief that human lives have inherent value, no matter race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, ability, economic position or any other factor. I believe that Black Lives Matter. I believe in doing my part to dismantle white supremacy internally and in our societal systems. I believe that toxic masculinity does harm to all genders. I believe that no human is illegal. I believe in protecting people over property. I believe that gender is not fixed and comes in many wonderful flavors. I believe that having differing abilities dos not devalue ideas and contributions offered to this world. I believe our policing systems were flawed and problematic from its conception and must be dismantled and replaced with community based systems for support in times of need. I believe the atrocities done to indigenous communities throughout this country’s history are still occurring and need to be actively addressed. I believe water, nourishment, housing, and healthcare should be available to all as a basic human right. I believe that the voices of the young and the old are important. I believe capitalism is problematic and contradictory to a more equitable world. I believe these things because they support my core belief that humans have inherent value.